What is PGR weed and why should I be concerned about it?

Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are chemical compounds that have a significant influence on the growth and development of plants.

They are used across many types of agriculture, including cannabis cultivation. In particular, some cannabis growers use synthetic PGRs as a method to enhance the physical characteristics of their crops, specifically focusing on augmenting the size and density of cannabis buds.

The three primary types of synthetic PGRs utilized in these scenarios are Paclobutrazol, Daminozide, and Chlormequat Chloride.

Synthetic PGRs can make the plant’s exterior appear more appealing, potentially increasing the market value of the crop due to its robust and full-bodied look.

However, this physical allure masks a range of potential downsides. Despite the immediate visual gratification, there are several reasons for concern associated with the use of synthetic PGRs in cannabis cultivation:

  • Health Risks: A significant concern associated with PGRs is the potential health risks. These synthetic substances are not designed for consumption, and especially not for inhalation. Some of these chemicals have been associated with numerous health problems. For instance, Paclobutrazol is recognized as a potential liver toxin and has been linked to the formation of carcinogens when combusted. Daminozide was banned in the US for food crops due to its potential cancer risks. Thus, the consumption of cannabis treated with such substances poses a severe health risk.
  • Quality and Potency: Another issue pertains to the quality and potency of the final product. Cannabis plants grown with synthetic PGRs tend to be of a lower overall quality and have reduced potency. This reduction happens because, when PGRs are used, the plant diverts its energy to producing denser buds instead of creating cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are responsible for most of the plant’s medicinal and psychoactive effects, while terpenes contribute to the flavor and aroma. Therefore, PGR-enhanced cannabis often results in a subpar user experience.
  • Residual Chemicals: Furthermore, these synthetic chemicals do not just disappear after the plant is harvested and dried. Traces can remain within the plant material, meaning that when you smoke the cannabis, you could potentially be inhaling these harmful chemicals. This residual presence compounds the health risks associated with synthetic PGR use.

In addition to these general categories of PGRs, it’s important to understand that some commercially available products often contain these potentially harmful substances.

Examples include ‘Bushmaster,’ ‘Gravity,’ ‘Phosphoload,’ and ‘Flower Dragon,’ which contain Paclobutrazol or Daminozide. When purchasing any plant growth enhancers, always check the labels for these substances.

As consumers are becoming more informed, many are opting for cannabis that has been grown naturally or organically, without the use of synthetic PGRs. Organic cannabis is often recognized as a safer alternative, providing a cleaner and more potent product.

While PGR weed may initially look appealing, it is concerning due to potential health risks and the lower quality product it yields. Informed consumers and patients should always prioritize their health over the superficial appearance of their cannabis products, and as such, choosing cannabis grown naturally without the use of synthetic PGRs is highly recommended.

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