The Untold Benefits of Medical Cannabis on Quality of Life

The Stigma Surrounding Medical Cannabis Medical cannabis has been a subject of contention for years, often marred by societal and cultural stigmas. Despite the growing body of scientific evidence supporting its therapeutic benefits, the plant remains a topic of debate and misunderstanding. This is particularly true in healthcare settings, where medical professionals are often divided … Read more

A Global Outrage: The BPNA’s Unconscionable Barriers to Cannabis Oil for Children

From any sane person’s point of view, the actions of the British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA) are not just perplexing; they’re downright infuriating. Their guidelines, which now require doctors to provide round-the-clock support for children prescribed medical cannabis, are not just unreasonable; they’re life-threatening. And this isn’t the first time the BPNA has placed insurmountable … Read more

Cannabis and Exercise Recovery: A Revolutionary Synergy in Sports Science

The realm of sports science has been buzzing with a groundbreaking study published in 2023. Researchers like Anthony G. Pinzone and Emily K. Erb have delved into an unexplored territory: the potential role of cannabis in post-exercise recovery. The study, which surveyed 111 individuals who are both avid exercisers and regular cannabis users, yielded astonishing … Read more

Cannabis Could Transform Neuropathic Pain Treatment Forever

Neuropathic pain has been a significant challenge for the medical community for decades. Traditional treatments often involve a range of prescription medications, which can lead to a host of other problems, including dependency and a diminished quality of life. However, a groundbreaking study published on has revealed a potent alternative that many have been … Read more

US Health Officials Advocate for Easing Cannabis Restrictions

In a significant development, US health officials have recommended easing restrictions on cannabis. A top official from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has written to Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Administrator Anne Milgram, suggesting that cannabis be reclassified as a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act. This recommendation, dated August 29, … Read more