Revolutionary Cannabis Spray. The New Diabetes Breakthrough?

In a landmark study titled “A Phase I Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study on Efficacy and Safety Profile of a Sublingually Administered Cannabidiol-Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol 10:1 Regimen in Diabetes Type 2 Patients,” a team of researchers led by Shima Afshar delved into the potential of cannabis in treating Type 2 Diabetes. This study is pivotal in understanding … Read more

Medical Cannabis Users, Rejoice! New Research Debunks Cognitive Myths

The study titled “A Semi-Naturalistic, Open-Label Trial Examining the Effect of Prescribed Medical Cannabis on Neurocognitive Performance” by Thomas R. Arkell and colleagues represents a significant stride in understanding the effects of medical cannabis on cognitive functions. This research is particularly relevant as medical cannabis usage gains momentum in Australia and globally. Traditional perceptions of … Read more

From Bingo to Bongs! Cannabis Trend Among Adults 50-80!

In recent years, the United States has witnessed a remarkable shift in the demographics of cannabis users, particularly among the older population. This intriguing development is the focus of a study titled “Prevalence and Frequency of Cannabis Use Among Adults Ages 50-80 in the United States,” conducted by a team of researchers including Anne C. … Read more

Discover the Power of CBD in Combatting Nicotine Addiction

In the groundbreaking study “Cannabidiol Reduces Nicotine Withdrawal Severity and State Anxiety During an Acute E-Cigarette Abstinence Period: A Novel Open-Label Study,” a team of researchers led by L. Riley Gournay, Jordan Petry, Sarah Bilsky, Morgan A. Hill, Matthew Feldner, Erica Peters, Marcel Bonn-Miller, and Ellen Leenfeldner, have opened new doors in the field of … Read more

CBD. The Game-Changer in Fighting Skin Cancer!

The realm of cannabis, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), has long captivated both the scientific community and the general public. As a member of the cannabinoids, a diverse class of compounds, CBD is derived from Cannabis sativa. These compounds are categorized based on their origin: endocannabinoids (produced within the body), phytocannabinoids (extracted from plants), and synthetic cannabinoids … Read more

New Details on Germany’s Legalization Plan

Germany stands on the cusp of a historic transformation with its decision to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. This groundbreaking move signifies a major shift in the nation’s drug policy, aligning with a global trend that recognizes the benefits and potential of cannabis. The German government’s decision reflects a progressive stance, acknowledging the changing … Read more

Cannabis in Crisis? Thailand’s New Law Sparks Industry Outrage!

Thailand’s recent finalization of the Cannabis-Hemp Act draft by the Public Health Ministry has sent ripples through the burgeoning cannabis industry. This new legislation, while maintaining cannabis as a regulated herb and not a narcotic, introduces stringent regulations that could significantly impact the industry’s growth and innovation. Spearheaded by Public Health Minister Chonlanan Srikaew, the … Read more

Japan’s New Dawn for Medical Cannabis and CBD Markets!

In an era where the global perspective on cannabis is rapidly evolving, Japan has recently made a significant stride towards reforming its cannabis policies. This move signals a potential boom for the country’s CBD industry and paves the way for the establishment of medical cannabis and industrial hemp industries. Japan’s Historic Shift in Cannabis Policy … Read more

Unveiling the Empathetic Potential of Cannabis! An Amazing Insight

The world of cannabis research is continuously evolving, revealing facets of this remarkable plant that challenge long-held beliefs. A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research takes us on a fascinating journey into the empathetic potential of cannabis. This study, titled “Empathy-related differences in the anterior cingulate functional connectivity of regular cannabis users … Read more