The Secrets of Cannabis Preservation

In a world where medical cannabis is increasingly gaining acceptance for its therapeutic benefits, one challenge remains largely unaddressed: the preservation of its potency over time.  As cannabis ages, its key phytochemicals, including the all-important THC, are prone to degradation. This not only affects the efficacy of medical cannabis but also poses challenges in ensuring … Read more

Positive Outcomes for Cannabis Consumers with COVID-19

Individuals who consumed cannabis and subsequently contracted COVID-19 demonstrated a notable decline in the need for ventilators, respiratory complications, and deaths compared to those not partaking in marijuana.  This information emerged from a recent research discussion at The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) gathering in Honolulu. “Marijuana users had better outcomes and mortality compared … Read more

Unlocking the Secrets of Cannabis – It’s more than THC%.

Let’s kick things off with some exhilarating news! A recent groundbreaking study has turned the spotlight on full-spectrum cannabis products, revealing that they offer a faster and more potent psychoactive experience compared to distillate products. In layman’s terms, full-spectrum cannabis is like the director’s cut of a blockbuster movie, complete with deleted scenes, special features, … Read more

How Cannabis Reform Could Revolutionize Society

A new report  “The Social Impact of Cannabis Legalisation,” by the Hanway Company looks deep into the transformative power of cannabis reform and its ripple effects across society.  Published under the banner of First Wednesdays and backed by a consortium of influential organizations, this report is more than just an analysis—it’s a clarion call, highlighting … Read more

New Legislation Could Allow Michigan Students to Use Cannabis in Schools

In a move that could reshape the way we think about medical cannabis and education, lawmakers in Michigan have recently proposed legislation that would permit K-12 students to use medical cannabis products on school property. This groundbreaking bill, put forth by Democratic members of the Michigan House, aims to legalise the consumption of edibles, beverages, … Read more

Cannabis and Kidney Stones – A Surprising Connection

The study titled “Association between marijuana use and kidney stone: A cross-sectional study of NHANES 2009 to 2018” aims to explore the relationship between regular cannabis use and the history of kidney stones in the U.S. population. The research was conducted using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) spanning from 2009 … Read more

The Surprising Impact of Cannabis Legalisation on Young Adults

Recent research published in the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open found some startling data concerning cannabis usage among young individuals in Canada following legalisation.  Contrary to common opinion, the study revealed that legalisation resulted in “significant reductions in use and consequences” among frequent users.  The study included young individuals aged 19.5 to 23 who … Read more

The Mind-Blowing Connection Between Cannabis and Your Brain

You’re in for a treat if you’ve ever wondered how cannabis interacts with your brain. Revolutionary research published recently in Cell Reports provided some insight on this interesting issue. The study focuses on the CB1R receptor in the brain and how it regulates stress and behaviour. The Science Experiment So, what’s the story behind this … Read more

What is Piattella Hash?

Piattella Hash is a groundbreaking cannabis concentrate that has been making waves in the cannabis community. Originating from Uncle’s Farm Cannabis Social Club in Barcelona, Spain, Piattella Hash is a unique form of hashish. The difference here to normal hash making is that this technique focuses on preserving the freshness of trichomes. Unlike traditional hash, … Read more