Green Gold. How Cannabis is Revolutionizing Real Estate in 2023

Cannabis real estate is blooming and 2023 is shaping up to be a vibrant year for green investments. With legalization continuing to roll out like a welcome mat, savvy investors and entrepreneurs are turning their sights to the fertile ground of cannabis-friendly properties. The Green Rush Sparking a Real Estate Revolution The “Green Rush” is … Read more

Legal Cannabis Associations in Malta – A Green Leap Forward

Malta has recently become a focal point in the cannabis discourse with the granting of its first two cannabis association licenses, heralding a new era of regulated cannabis use and cultivation within the region. This landmark decision marks a significant shift in the legal and social standing of cannabis, reflecting a broader global trend towards … Read more

A Scientific Breakthrough in the Essence of Cannabis Aromas

The unmistakable aroma of cannabis has long been a subject of both appreciation and controversy. It’s a scent that announces its presence, often provoking a reaction even before it’s seen. But what is the source of this powerful fragrance? Recent scientific discoveries have shed light on the intricate chemistry behind cannabis’s distinctive aromas, revealing that … Read more

Europe’s First Cannabis Dispensary To Open in Switzerland

The cannabis landscape in Europe is undergoing a significant transformation with the opening of the continent’s first legal retail cannabis dispensary. Situated in the Swiss municipality of Allschwil, this groundbreaking initiative is part of a broader study on the controlled dispensing of recreational cannabis. The Berlin-based Sanity Group announced this development, which will see two … Read more

The Rise of THCV. The ‘Sports Car of Cannabis’ Hits the Market

Tetrahydrocannabivarin, commonly known as THCV, has long been the stuff of legends in the cannabis community. Discovered in 1970 by researchers at the University of Oxford, this elusive compound has been dubbed the “sports car of cannabis” and “weederall” for its purported unique effects. Unlike its more famous cousins, THC and CBD, THCV has been … Read more

Revealed: The Science Behind Your High and Why Every Puff Matters!

The aroma of a freshly lit cannabis cigarette is unmistakable. But have you ever stopped to wonder what’s behind that distinct scent and the effects that follow?  The journey of cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant to the smoke we inhale is a fascinating tale of transformation, evaporation, and re-evaporation.  A new study has … Read more

Cannabis Social Clubs in Barcelona Inspire Global Change

In recent years, the global perspective on cannabis has undergone a significant transformation. From being viewed as a mere recreational substance to being recognized for its potential therapeutic benefits, the narrative around cannabis is evolving.  Amidst this changing landscape, Barcelona has emerged as a trailblazer with its innovative Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) model. This model, … Read more

The Untapped Potential of Cannabinol (CBN) in Improving Sleep Quality

The recent study titled “A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Effects of CBN with and without CBD on Sleep Quality” is a significant contribution to the growing body of research on cannabinoids. Conducted between May and November 2022, the study aimed to explore the impact of Cannabinol (CBN) and its combination with … Read more