Why Cannabigerol (CBG) Might Be the Future of Natural Wellness

The fast-paced evolution of cannabis research has revealed a new rising star on the horizon: Cannabigerol.

This cannabinoid is turning the heads of scientists and health enthusiasts alike as a potentially groundbreaking compound in the arena of natural therapeutics.

According to new research, this is a cannabinoid that does not cause intoxication and yet has countless benefits that reduce stress and improve cognitive function.

A Natural Approach to Anxiety and Stress Management

A recent, very important double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted by Washington State University researchers just saw CBG exhibit promising effects on anxiety and stress levels.

Importantly, those participants who received the 20mg CBG dose achieved the most significant reduction in ratings of anxiety compared with participants in the placebo part of the study, and compared with ratings in the THC + CBD group.

Lead author Dr. Carrie Cuttler commented:

“Most notably, there was a significant main effect of CBG on subjective state ratings of anxiety.”

This is in line with previous survey data where people were using CBG to help alleviate anxiety—reporting that it worked better than pharmaceutical drugs in most cases.

Cognitive Enhancement. An Accidental Finding

Perhaps the memorization function impacted memory most interestingly. In direct opposition to THC’s reputation for affecting memory, subjects under CBG showed enhancement in verbal memory tests.

The researchers caution that further study is needed to validate these findings. However, the implications are intriguing: CBG, through its reported anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects, may yield cognitive benefits.

This potential is distinct from the properties of other well-researched cannabinoids.

Safety Profile and Future Directions

In addition, CBG’s users displayed a similar positive safety profile, with no relevant side effects reported and no motor or cognitive impairment detected on the standardized tests.

This tolerable safety profile, combined with the drug’s non-intoxicating profile, endeavors to position CBG as an excellent candidate for future research and potential therapeutic use.

The study authors do want to clarify that, indeed, this is a very early stage in understanding the effects of CBG.

As per Dr. Ziva Cooper, a co-author, notwithstanding, much larger clinical trials are definitely needed, and not just required, but particularly trials involving patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder or cognitive impairments.

A New Chapter in Cannabinoid Therapeutics

Also, with the unfolding research on CBG, there are big possibilities for non-intoxicating natural approaches to stress management that potentially increase cognitive function.

Although the therapeutic potential of CBG is still premature to claim definitely, the initial results turn out to be quite encouraging.

The growing trend in cannabis research is shifting towards CBG, expanding the area of serious scientific inquiry into the immense potential of the cannabis plant beyond its most famous components.

As our understanding of the various cannabinoids continues to increase, perhaps it is time to begin the development of new targeted anti-tumor treatments that use compounds from the cannabis plant.

While CBD has seized the marketplace in non-intoxicating cannabinoids over the last few years, the unique profile of CBG sees it very capable of holding its own significant niche.

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